Security Case Study
Security Case Study
Royal Papworth Hospital was first established as a tuberculosis settlement in 1918. In the 100+ years since, it has grown to become a world-leading heart and lung hospital.
In 2018, the hospital celebrated its centenary and 100 years of patient care and treatment on their site at Papworth Everard.
The hospital moved to a brand new, state-of-the-art building on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus in May 2019. It was a busy first year at the new hospital site with yet more world firsts, pioneering the world’s first DCD heart-lung transplant and the world’s first non-intubated subxiphoid pneumonectomy. Her Majesty the Queen officially opened the new hospital in July alongside the Duchess of Gloucester, who is patron of Royal Papworth Hospital.
In January 2019, the hospital began the process of moving into their new premises on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. This meant that, whilst the hospital at Papworth Everard was under decommission, the site would eventually become vacant and a huge target for trespassers.
The main concern for our client was urban explorers gaining access and injuring themselves on site during decommissioning, as well as potential theft of the equipment and materials left on site.
As our client had never worked alongside a security service before working with ProFM Group, finding the right solution which fit the project’s requirements was vital.
ProFM attended a series of site meetings to discuss a variety of solutions which we felt would be the most powerful deterrent to any potential trespassers. Papworth had already experienced a few site incidents during our discussions due to the media coverage on the site’s newly vacant status, so the timeframe of implementing a security solution was crucial.
Because of the size of the location with numerous access points, we identified a solution which involved both a physical presence and a technology implementation. Our team identified that a physical guarding presence involving three SIA-Licenced Officers and a Security Dog Handler, alongside a wireless, battery-powered GSM CCTV alarm system covering all access points which notified our 24-hour Communications Centre of any triggers would work hand in hand.
After three months of negotiations and project delays, ProFM were awarded the contract for the proposed solution to commence in May 2019. A smooth mobilisation lead by our Operations Director took place, and the security implementation ran smoothly thereafter.
Despite the initial contract duration request being a 12 week period, ProFM were involved in various renegotiations in between and subsequently awarded a further 17 month contract thereafter.
We successfully completed the works in December 2020 once the site had been decommissioned and sold. Both our site team and Head Office formed a great partnership with the client, and all incidents were responded to and handled quickly and professional by the team involved. In total, our expert team dealt with 117 incidents over the course of the contract duration, ensuring the site stayed fully safe and secure throughout ProFM’s involvement.